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Plants in White Floral Pot

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1 x Rubber Plant Elastica Rubber Bush Rubber Fig in White Floral Pot,40-45cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/RubberPlt/T40-45cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 40-45cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

1 x Cheese Plant in White Floral Pot,60-65cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/CheesePltT60-65cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 60-65cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

1 x Gardenia Cape Jasmine Plant in White Floral Pot,45-50cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Gardenia/T45-50cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 45-50cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

1 x Sago Palm in White Floral Pot,45-50cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Sago/T45-50cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 45-50cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

1 x Spineless Yucca Elephantipes in White Floral Pot,55-60cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Yucca/T55-60cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 55-60cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Yucca Elephantipes or Spineless Yucca are pretty well known easy house plants, tolerating full sun and thriving on a minimal amount of care. Large and or branched specimens are hard to get hold of but make a fantastic specimen plant for a well lit room or conservatory.

A bright position it will take direct sun. Or a bit of shade but spin it around fron time to time or the branches will lean towards the light. Keep well watered in summer and infrequently in winter.

Yucca Elephantipes is pretty hardy, it will stand being in all but the coldest conservatories.

For another benefit, Yucca Elephantipes is able to clean the surrounding air of many contaminants.

1 x Weeping Fig Ficus Tree in White Floral Pot,60-65cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/WeepingFig/T60-65cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 60-65cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

1 x Tineke Rubber Bush Plant in White Floral Pot,45-50cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Tineke/T45-50cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 45-50cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

1 x Snke Plant Mother in Law's Tongue Sansevieria in White Floral Pot,35-40cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Snake/T35-40cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 35-40cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Botanical name: Sansevieria Trifasciata Common name: Good luck plant, mother-in-law's tongue, snake plant

An evergreen succulent with tall sword-like leaves that can reach a height of 45cm. Striking grey green leaves with a horizontal grey ripple pattern, its not hard to see why this one is an indoor favourite.

Snake plants are so diverse and easy to grow. They can be placed nearly any where except total darkness. In full sun they may bleach or loose some of their coloration. Check for water weekly... allowing about 1/3 of the soil mass to dry between waterings.

Snake plants will improve the air when grown indoors, and the upright leaves are considered good Feng Shui.

1 x Jade Plant Money Friendship Plant in White Floral Pot,30-35cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/S.Jade/T30-35cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 30-35cm Tall (including pot height), with Golden Gravel Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Also known as the Money plant, Jade plant or friendship tree.

Crassula ovata Convoluta has unique glossy green thick fleshy leaves. The trunk on this plant becomes thick with age and they develop interesting stem patterns. You can cultivate new plants by simply sticking a leaf into some soil. These shrubby succulents make great easy to maintain houseplants.

The plant is glowing in a stylish gloss black milano pot, and the roots are covered by golden gravels. The plant is about 30-35cm tall(including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing..

1 x Aloe Vera Plant in White Floral Pot,30-35cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/S.Aloe/T30-35cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 30-35cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Aloe Vera is famous for the healing power in its succulent leaves. Just break off a piece and squeeze the juice onto blisters, sunburn and stings.

Aloe Veramake excellent house plants when they are given sufficient light.

Aloe Vera prefers light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils, requires well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. It cannot grow in the shade. The plant originate in desert environments so they thrive in a sunny spot and don't require a lot of watering. It requires dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought.

1 x Asparagus Setaceus Fern in White Floral Pot,35-40cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Asparagus/T35-40cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 35-40cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

The name Asparagus Fern comes from the new growth resembles tiny asparagus spears. Asparagus sprengeri, a cultivar of Asparagus densiflorus is the most popular variety of this plant. It looks beautiful sitting on a table or hanging in a basket. During the summer, it is a perfect plant to hang in a sunny spot on your porch. In the proper location, Asparagus Ferns grow over 2-3ft. wide with cascading trailers length. The long graceful vines of an Asparagus Fern are covered in tiny needle-like bright green leaves.

Asparagus Ferns like temperatures between 50-75

1 x Elephant's Foot, Ponytail Palm Tree in White Floral Pot,40-45cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/PonyTail/T40-45cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 40-45cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Common name: Pony Tail Palm, Bottle Palm, Elephant
1 x Parlour Palm Parlor Palm Chamaedorea elegans in White Floral Pot,40-45cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Parlor/T40-45cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 40-45cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Parlour Palm - Chamaedorea Elegans is one of the most popular palms in the world, its ability to put up with low light, drought and general abuse is legendary. Additionally it flowers when still quite young. It has been in use since Victorian times and is suitable for home or conservatory.

1 x Peace Lily Spathiphyllum Madonna lily Plant in White Floral Pot,45-50cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/P.LILY/T45-50cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 45-50cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is one of the most popular house plants of all time. It has achieved such placement in our homes for many reasons. First, it is beautiful. It
1 x Money Tree Pachira Fortune Plant in White Floral Pot,50-55cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/MoneyTre/T50-55cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 50-55cm Tall (including pot height), with Golden Gravel Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Pachira Aquatica

also known as the 'Money Tree'. It is a very hardy tree that can vary in size from small Bonsai to 7 feet tall. It will grow in lots of light and low light. Being well watered, or not very well watered (though don

1 x Madagascar Jasmine Flower Hoop Plant in White Floral Pot,35-45cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/MadagascarJas/T35cm.W)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 35-45cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Stephanotis also known as Madagascar jasmine. It is one of the most coveted house plants because of its intensely powerful, sweet smelling blossoms. However, the rewards of a thriving stephanotis plant are not easily earned. The plant is a climber and is usually trained to grow around a wire or trellis inside its pot. 
1 x Fabian Aralia, Red Aralia in White Floral Pot,50-55cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/FabianArali/T50-55cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 50-55cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

The Fabian Aralia originates from Asia. This gorgeous dark green plant needs bright light and with its column like shape it compliments areas with limited space. With its circular like leaves this plant is perfect for those who practice Feng Shui. Circles are very auspicious and resemble

1 x Madagascar Dragon Tree Dracaena Marginata Plant in White Floral Pot,50-55cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/Dragon/T50-55cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 50-55cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

Dragon trees are grown all over the world for their varied elegant foliage. As a specimen plant they are hard to beat with the statuesque contrast between leaves and cane creating a great plant that can be very tall without taking up to much room. The branched specimens really are beautiful with aged trunk and very bushy crowns.

Light requirements vary from shade for the green varieties to bright indirect light for the more decorative specimens. As a rule they hate drying out and love high humidity.

1 x Boston Fern Nephrolepis in White Floral Pot,25-35cm Tall (Plt/WhtFloral/BostonFern/T25-35cm.E1)

With the White Floral PVC pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size is 14cm diameter, Plants from 25-35cm Tall (including pot height), with White Spar Top Dressing.

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made

This series of plants are glowing in floral pots, which are perfect for adding texture and a vintage flair to your room / office.

The white floral pot features an intricate design with cut-out lace effect detailing and pierced petal design edge that adds a stunning visual effect to your room space.

The set of floral pot and saucer is made of PP+PE matt plastic, which is non frangible, heat resistant, durable.

As air purifying plants, Boston ferns are very popular houseplants and the Boston Fern is one that offers beauty and healthy benefits. These plants act as humidifiers and can help to restore moisture in the air so they are perfect for those who suffer from dry skin and other cold weather problems.

Boston ferns have become a plant of choice for savvy shade-loving gardeners. This fern will consistently give stunning results with minimal effort, no dead

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