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Lucky Bamboo

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Spiral Lucky Bamboo grown in COLOURFUL Crystal Water Balls (PLT/LuckyBMB/MVas/ColMud/Q1.E1)

The plant is grown in a glass vase with COLOURFUL crystal water balls. It is about 30-35cm tall (including vase height)

Light:   In it's natural habitat the lucky bamboo grows under the cover of shaded trees,so place your plant in a bright spot without direct sunlight which can burn the leaves that will mimic their natural living space.
Temperature:  Warm room temperature's and above are advised 65F (18C) - 90F (32C). Avoid lower than 55F/12C in the winter.
Watering:   Exchange water every 2 weeks.

To maintain a good healthy Lucky Bamboo, it is much better to grow them in soil, which is it's natural way of growing, they can grow at their best in a pot with soil and live longer lives.

Lucky Bamboo is an indoor house plant grown from the dark tropical rain forest. It is easy to care for and makes great favors for weddings, parties, baby showers, holidays, or birthdays. Chinese Legend says Lucky Bamboo plants can bring Good Luck, Prosperity, Wealth, and Happiness.

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