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1 x Madagascar Jasmine Flower Tower Plant in Small Tubus Pot,35-45cm Tall


With the tall tubus gloss pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size: from 12cm, Plants from 35-45cm Tall (including pot height)

Easy care instruction:

  • Place in a light shaded, to bright environment.

  • Keep in room temperature.

  • Water thoroughly. Discard excess water. Do not allow to dry out completely.

  • Fertilise moderately.

Stephanotis also known as Madagascar jasmine. It is one of the most coveted house plants because of its intensely powerful, sweet smelling blossoms. However, the rewards of a thriving stephanotis plant are not easily earned. The plant is a climber and is usually trained to grow around a wire or trellis inside its pot. It
  • Model: Plt/S.TubPot/MadagascarJas/T35cm.E1

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