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1 x Aloe Vera Plant in Small Tubus Pot,25-30cm Tall


With the tall tubus gloss pot, these elegant plants can bring stylish atmosphere into your house.

Pot size: from 12cm, Plants from 25-30cm Tall (including pot height)

Easy care instruction:

  • Place in a light shaded, to bright environment.

  • Keep in room temperature.

  • Water thoroughly. Discard excess water. Do not allow to dry out completely.

  • Fertilise moderately.

Aloe Vera is famous for the healing power in its succulent leaves. Just break off a piece and squeeze the juice onto blisters, sunburn and stings.

Aloe Veramake excellent house plants when they are given sufficient light.

Aloe Vera prefers light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils, requires well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. It cannot grow in the shade. The plant originate in desert environments so they thrive in a sunny spot and don't require a lot of watering. It requires dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought.

  • Model: Plt/S.TubPot/S.Aloe/T25-30cm.E1

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